Film Creations Ltd.


My Trip to India

About the video.

This was my first trip to India and also my first encounter with the Dalai Lama. I went on the trip with an open mind, conscious of not having any real expectations. My intention for the trip was not to make a video, but to just live the experience. When an opportunity presented itself, I pulled out the camera and began shooting video and stills. Since everything was so new and different, I had no idea what to focus on. I decided to shoot what I thought was interesting and worry about it later.

Through a series of good fortunes, I was able to acquire a one day press pass during the Dalai Lama's teachings at his Temple in McLeod Ganj, Dharamsala. That, and the visit to the Tibetan Children's Village were the highlights for me. It's always hard to decide to to keep and what to leave out when putting a video like this together.

In the end, I decided just to give people a taste of what stood out for me in being in a place like India and in particular in Dharamsala. I hope to go back on day and see the rest of the country as well as Tibet.







